
Reza Agung Nugraha

Software Engineer | Android Developer

Software development and engineering is the main focus and biggest interest in my future career path. I have diverse experience in Android app development, as well as proven through various certifications.


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Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka

[Feb 2023] - [Jul 2023]

In MBKM Bangkit Academy 2023, I have a focus on the Mobile Learning Path which is prepared to become a reliable Android programmer through many Dicoding certifications. In the final project, my team developed an application called Tips n Trip that can create travel plans by utilizing Machine Learning. There we became a finalist by being nominated for the Top 68 best Product Based Capstone out of more than 700 teams.


Computer Lab Assistant of System Analysis and Design Course

[Feb 2023] - [Jun 2023]

This course deals with the process of identifying needs to design in the development of a software. I had the opportunity to become a computer lab assistant for this course by providing practicum material, starting from modeling needs, to designing using UML.

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Computer Lab Assistant of Object Oriented Programming

[Feb 2022] - [Jun 2022]

I had the opportunity to become a computer lab assistant for the Object-Oriented Programming course with the Java programming language. In this course, my role is to provide practicum material in accordance with the four pillars of OOP, provide case studies to create live coding sessions using Hackerrank.

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POROS Organization of Open Source

[Jan 2021] - [Dec 2023]

In this Open Source organization, I have been a staff for the PSDM and Front-End divisions. In addition, I have also served as chairman of the Public Relations division. The knowledge I gained was not only in terms of hard skills about Linux and opensource application development, but also soft skills such as communication and leadership.

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Qurbanku Project

Qurbanku Mobile App

Qurbanku is a customized software application developed for the qurbani committee and the jemaah, especially at masjid Al Huda, Malang. This app is built with Kotlin programming language and several other technologies, such as MVVM, Firebase, Google Maps SDK, etc.

Tips n Trip Project

Tips n Trip

Tips n Trip is a mobile application developed to help tourists planning their vacation and itinerary with the help of Cloud and Machine Learning. This app is built with Kotlin programming language and several other technologies, such as MVVM, GCP, Google Maps SDK, etc.

Swara Srigonco Project

Swara Srigonco Web

Swara Srigonco is an information system website of Srigonco Village in Bantur District, Malang, which is the result of one of the projects of my FILKOM KKN group. This website was built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Laravel as PHP framework.

Dewi Laundry Web Project

Dewi Laundry Web App

Dewi Laundry Web App is a customized software developed for Dewi Laundry. This software allows recording of laundry transactions by admin and tracking of laundry status by customers. This is developed with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Laravel as PHP framework.

Contact Me!

I'm very open to any kind of collaboration. If you have any questions or just want to get in touch with me, you can contact me through the following social media or email. I'll be waiting!


Reza Agung Nugraha

